Robert Wallace

Robert Wallace has received an Emerging Artist grant from the Durham Arts Council, and a Writer’s Fellowship from the NC Arts Council.  He has had fiction and nonfiction published in various journals and newspapers, including the Bryant Literary Review, Wellspring, Aethlon, The O. Henry Festival Stories, and the Raleigh News & Observer.  His work has also been in several anthologies, including Racing Home: New Short Stories by Award Winning North Carolina Writers and, most recently, in Home of the Brave: Somewhere in the Sand, published by Press 53.  His story As Breaks the Wave upon the Sea was the 2010 winner of the Doris Betts Fiction Prize.  Wallace’s first novel, A Hold on Time, was published in 2007 by Paper Journey Press.  Wallace critiques manuscripts for the NC Writers’ Network.  He writes a monthly column for the Raleigh News & Observer.