
John L. Gronbeck-Tedesco

John L. Gronbeck-Tedesco’s poetry, translations and plays have appeared in a variety of publications and theatre venues, including “Outsider Poetry,” “Madness Muse Magazine,” the Kansas City Fringe, the Cleveland Public Theatre and Karamu House Theatre.

Anne Visser Ney

Anne Visser Ney is a Coast Guard veteran whose work has appeared or is forthcoming in Brain, Child; Fourth River, and Crab Orchard Review; Potomac Press anthologies It’s My Country, Too: Women’s Military Stories; and Red, White, and True: Stories from Veterans and Families. She teaches writing to combat veterans through the local Veterans Center,… Read more »

Michael Anthony

Michael Anthony is a writer and artist living in New Jersey. He has published fiction, poetry, illustrations, and photographs in literary journals and commercial magazines. Most recently these include El Portal, Lit-Tapes, Camas Magazine, and Gremlin Creative. The American Labor Museum exhibited Michael’s photojournalism essay, “Mill Ends,” on the waning textile industry.  Website:

Danielle de Corcho

Danielle de Corcho is an English as a Second Language teacher, poet and creative nonfiction writer. Her poetry has appeared in HEArt Journal Online and on the Submittable Blog. She lives just outside of New Orleans, Louisiana with her husband, two young children and two dogs.

Lauren Yaffe

Lauren Yaffe is a novelist, screenwriter and picture book writer, and holds an MFA from Warren Wilson College and a Master Screenwriter Certificate from ScreenwritingU. Her work has appeared in numerous publications, including Alaska Quarterly, Cottonwood, Calliope, Willow Review, and Fiction Weekly (Pushcart Prize-nominated). She lives in Brooklyn, NY. Twitter: @LaurenYaffe

Skaidrite Stelzer

Skaidrite Stelzer lives and writes in Toledo, Ohio.  Growing up as a post-war refugee and displaced person, she feels connected to the world and other stray planets.  Her poetry has been published in Fourth River, Eclipse, Glass, Baltimore Review, Flock, Storm Cellar, and many other literary journals.

Mathias Knight

Mathias Knight studies history at Portland State University and lives in Portland, Oregon. That said, he has more interests, academic and otherwise, than can fit within one major and this leads to that occasionally being subject to revision. In these interests is a love of poetry, history, strategy games, losing at chess with more skilled… Read more »

John Grey

John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident. Recently published in the Homestead Review, Poetry East and Columbia Review with work upcoming in Harpur Palate, the Hawaii Review and Visions International.

Mary Newell

Mary Newell lives in the lower Hudson Valley. Her poems have been published in Dispatches from the Poetry Wars, BlazeVox, Spoon River Poetry Review, Hopper Literary Magazine, About Place, etc. She has also written essays, including “Shades of Melancholy” in Melancholia: Hinge as Innominate Limina. She studies transitional zones, as between exurban and natural environments,… Read more »

e. smith sleigh

E. Smith Sleigh was educated at the universities of Delaware and Michigan, taught at the college level, and has traveled extensively. She now lives in Robert Penn Warren and Edgar Cayce country where she draws inspiration. She won finalist designation in several literary and academic competitions including Eastern Kentucky University’s academic journal Nine Patch: A… Read more »

Paula Rodriguez

Dr. Paula M. Rodriguez is a high school teacher in Los Angeles. She started her literary career in Spain, where she won first award on the prestigious poetry prize Francisco Nieva, but focused thereafter on academic publications that deal with different aspects of the literary experience, from Shakespeare to Henry James. Her first poem published… Read more »

Jan Rog

As a teacher of composition and literature at MCC-Longview, I delight in seeing students embrace hard questions, challenge themselves to grow, and take leadership in helping others. Active in the Greater Kansas City Writing Project and the Prairie Lands Writing Project, I seek ways to grow as an educator and a writer.

Les Bares

Les Bares is a retired high school English teacher living in Richmond, Virginia. His poems have appeared in The Cream City Review, The Evansville Review, Stand Magazine (U.K.), Spillway, Pinyon, The San Pedro River Review, Red Earth Review, Offbeat and other journals. He was one of the winners of the 2015 Streetlight Magazine poetry contest.

Tamara Coleman

Tamara Coleman is an undergraduate student at the University of Houston. Her writing revolves around diaspora and humanity.

Sarah Kohrs

Sarah E N Kohrs is an artist and writer, whose poetry also can be found in Poetry from the Valley of Virginia, Crosswinds Poetry Journal, From the Depths, Virginia Literary Journal, Horn & Ivory, Colere, Raven Chronicles, Claudius Speaks, Gone Lawn, and Adelaide Literary Magazine. SENK has a BA from The College of Wooster and… Read more »

Eric Odynocki

Eric Odynocki is a teacher and writer from New York. He is a first generation American of Mexican, Ukrainian, and Jewish descent. Eric’s work has been published or is forthcoming in Acentos Review, In Layman’s Terms, Obra/Artifact, and the Westchester Review.

Terry Hall Bodine

A graduate of the College of William & Mary, Terry Hall Bodine works as housing coordinator at University of Lynchburg. Recent publication credits include Roanoke Review, The Tishman Review, and Typishly. Terry lives with her husband Bill in Virginia.

Horia A. Pop

I drift from one place to another, live on petty jobs and keep on writing because I can’t do otherwise.

K. Eltinaé

K. Eltinaé is a Sudanese poet of Nubian descent whose work has appeared in World Literature Today, The African American Review, Xavier Review, Muftah, Jaffat El Aqlam, Sukoon, Solidago, Rigorous, New Contrast, Poetry Potion, Word Fountain, Baphash Literary & Arts Quarterly, TRACK//FOUR, Paperbark, The WAiF Project, Illya’s Honey, Elsewhere Literary Journal, The Ofi Press, NILVX,… Read more »

Margaret King

Margaret King is a Wisconsin writer who enjoys penning poetry, short stories, and young adult novels. In her spare time, she likes to haunt the shores of Lake Michigan, similar to many of her fictional characters. Her recent work has appeared in Unlost Journal, Moonchild Magazine, Verdancies, The Writer’s Cafe Magazine (UK), Mystic Blue Review,… Read more »

Chinua Ezenwa-Ohaeto

Chinua Ezenwa-Ohaeto (@ChinuaEzenwa) is from Owerri-Nkworji in Nkwerre, Imo state, Nigeria and a lover of literature. He has won the Association Of Nigerian Author’s Literary Award for Mazariyya Ana Teen Poetry Prize, 2009; Speak to the Heart Inc. Poetry Competition, 2016. He became a runner-up in Etisalat Prize for Literature, Flash fiction, 2014 with I… Read more »

Carl Boon

Carl Boon lives in Izmir, Turkey, where he teaches in the American Culture and Literature Department at Dokuz Eylül University. His poems appear in many magazines, including Posit, Diagram, and the Maine Review. A Pushcart Prize nominee, Boon recently edited a volume on the sublime in American literature.

Erin Jamieson

Erin Jamieson received an MFA in Creative Writing from Miami University of Ohio. Her writing has been published or is forthcoming in After the Pause, Into the Void, Flash Frontier, Mount Analogue, Blue River, The Airgonaut, Evansville Review, Canary,Shelia-Na-Gig, and Foliate Oak Literary, among others.

Liberty Heise

Liberty Heise’s poetry investigates and records what is missed or will soon become missing in our natural and personal worlds due to climate change and memory loss. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Horseless Press, Coconut, Crate, The Fourth River, Ecopoetics, Phoebe Journal, Grain Magazine, Poetry Motel and other journals. Liberty received an… Read more »

John Rodzvilla

John Rodzvilla teaches in the Publishing and Writing programs at Emerson College in Boston. His work has appeared in Harvard Review, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, gorse, and DecomP.

Soonest Nathaniel

Soonest Nathaniel is a Poet and spoken word artist. He is the author of “Teaching My Father How To Impregnate Women,” selected as winner of the 2017 RL Poetry Award. He was poet Laureate for 2014 Korea Nigeria Poetry Festival. His poems appear or are forthcoming in Rattle, The Pedestal Magazine, Praxis Mag, Raven Chronicles,… Read more »

Joy Arbor

A human rights advocate and the granddaughter of a captain in Israel’s War for Independence, Joy Arbor joined the Compassionate Listening Project’s citizen delegation to Israel and the West Bank in order to listen to people from a variety of perspectives. Poems about her experiences have appeared in Crab Orchard Review, HEArt Journal Online: Human… Read more »

Angela Gabrielle Fabunan

Angela Gabrielle Fabunan is an MA Creative Writing student at the University of the Philippines Diliman and a graduate of Bowdoin College. She has appeared in Cha Journal, Eastlit, New Asian Writing, and Asymptote, among others. She lives in Olongapo City, Philippines. Her work Homecoming of Age is forthcoming from Platypus Press.

Jennimaria Palomaki

Jennimaria Palomaki is a Finnish-American Brooklyn-based linguist and writer.

Yousef Allouzi

Yousef Allouzi is a short story and public policy author who grew up in Texarkana, AR but currently lives in the Pacific Northwest. He holds a BS in Economics from Oregon State University and is currently working on his Master of Public Policy from the same institution. You can follow him on Facebook and Twitter… Read more »

Jessica Barksdale

Jessica Barksdale’s fourteenth novel, The Burning Hour, was published by Urban Farmhouse Press in April 2016. Her novels include the best-selling Her Daughter’s Eyes, The Matter of Grace, and When You Believe. A Pushcart Prize and Best-of-the-Net nominee, her short stories, poems, and essays have appeared in or are forthcoming in the Waccamaw Journal, Salt… Read more »

Carter Vance

Carter Vance is a student and aspiring poet originally from Cobourg, Ontario, currently studying at Carleton University in Ottawa. His work has appeared in such publications as The Vehicle, (parenthetical) and F(r)iction, amongst others. He received an Honourable Mention from Contemporary Verse 2’s Young Buck Poetry Awards in 2015. His work also appears on his… Read more »

Michael Putnam

Michael Putnam grew up in Ohio and received his BA from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. He has an MA from Cleveland State University and is currently in the MFA program at Georgia State University in Atlanta. He has been previously published in Fiction 365, Flyover Country Review, The Bookends Review, and New World Writing…. Read more »

Joey R. Poole

Joey R. Poole lives in Florence, South Carolina. His work has previously appeared in print and online in places like Bull: Men’s Fiction, Southeast Review, Molotov Cocktail Lit Zine, and Moon City Review. He has a collection of short stories, I Have Always Been Here Before, and a novel, Twenty Thousand Roads, ready for publication. He… Read more »

January Pearson

January Pearson lives in Southern California with her husband and two daughters. She teaches in the English department at Kaplan University. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Gargoyle Magazine, Timberline Review, The Lake, Four Chambers Press, Calliope, The Chiron, The Galway Review, Capstone Literary Journal, Modern Haiku, Haikuniverse, Darling Magazine, and Logia Theological Journal.

Jude Brewer

Jude Brewer is an author, actor, and emcee. He’s finishing a novel and a memoir while serving as an Executive Producer and Director for Productions Inc., a team of filmmakers in Portland, OR.

Alan Montes

Alan Montes is a poet living in San Antonio TX. His poetry has appeared at bitterzoet magazine and at burnt pine magazine. He has more poetry forthcoming at bitterzoet magazine.

Claire Scott

Claire Scott is an award winning poet who has been nominated twice for the Pushcart Prize. Her work has been accepted by the Atlanta Review, Bellevue Literary Review, Healing Muse and Vine Leaves Literary Journal among others. Her first book of poetry, Waiting to be Called, was published in 2015. She is the co-author of… Read more »

Claire Scott

Claire Scott is an award-winning poet who has been nominated twice for the Pushcart Prize (2013 and 2014). She was also a semi-finalist for both the 2014 Pangaea Prize and the 2014 Atlantis Award. Claire was the grand prize winner of The Maine Review’s 2015 White Pine Writing Contest. Her first book of poetry, Waiting to be Called, was published in 2015. She is the co-author of Unfolding in Light: A Sisters’ Journey in Photography and Poetry.

Neil Connelly

Before returning to his home state of Pennsylvania, where he teaches writing at Shippensburg University, Neil Connelly directed the MFA program at McNeese State in Lake Charles, Louisiana. He’s the author of over a dozen short stories and five novels, including The Midlife Crisis of Commander Invincible (LSU Press) and The Pocket Guide to Divorce: A Self-help Work of Fiction (Gorsky Press).

Optimism One

Optimism One’s work is forthcoming from In Fact Books and has been published in Crab Creek Review, The Blotter Magazine, Sassafras Literary Magazine, The Matador Network, I-Magazine, and In the Grove: California Poets and Writers. He earned his MFA in Creative Nonfiction from Sierra Nevada College and teaches at Modesto Junior College. He’s currently working on a memoir called Goodbye, Suicide.

Deanne Gertner

A Colorado native, Deanne Gertner is a graduate from the Vermont College of Fine Arts. She works for Denver-based art consulting firm, NINE dot ARTS, where she helps companies tell their stories through art. Deanne also serves as a board member for Lighthouse Writer’s Workshop, Denver’s premiere literary center. Her fiction has appeared in Quaint Magazine and her art criticism has appeared in Daily Serving.

Claire Comeaux

Claire Comeaux is from Lafayette, LA, and is a senior at Hendrix College, where she serves as Poetry Genre Editor for the Aonian. Her poetry was published in the 2015 Southern Literary Festival anthology.

Brian Matthew Pietrus

Brian Matthew Pietrus is a recent graduate of Columbia College Chicago’s MFA program in Nonfiction, where he also taught in the First Year Writing program. He is currently living and working in Los Angeles. His work has appeared in Elm Leaves Journal and r.kv.r.y. Quarterly, and he is the Nonfiction Editor for The Sonder Review.

Amanda Morris

Dr. Amanda Morris teaches writing and rhetoric at Kutztown University of Pennsylvania and also teaches creative nonfiction workshops for Murphy Writing of Stockton University.

Gilmore Tamny

Gilmore Tamny is a writer, musician and artist living in Somerville, MA. She is a committed artist, feminist, rawker, lover of old paintings and audiobook junkie.

Ted Millar

Ted Millar has been teaching English for fifteen years at middle and high school levels as well as at the college level, courses ranging from freshman composition to Shakespeare, poetry, and creative writing.

Charles O’Hay

Charles O’Hay is the author of two poetry collections—Far from Luck (2011) and Smoking in Elevators (2014)—both from Lucky Bat Books. His work has appeared in over 125 literary publications, including New York Quarterly, Gargoyle, and Cortland Review.

Jen Karetnick

Jen Karetnick is the author of four poetry chapbooks and three full-length collections, including American Sentencing (Winter Goose Publishing, May 2016) and The Treasures That Prevail (Whitepoint Press, September 2016). She has also edited two anthologies and authored several cookbooks, including the award-winning Mango (University Press of Florida, 2014).

Sarah Shields

Sarah Shields lives in Surf City, USA. Her written work has appeared or is forthcoming in Berfrois, Cheap Pop, Hermeneutic Chaos, Commonthought, and Spider.

Emma Wortley

Emma Wortley is based in Sydney and has a PhD in English from The University of New South Wales. Her reviews, fiction and poetry have appeared in Voiceworks, Southerly, Going Down Swinging, Paper Crown Magazine and text Litmag.

Michael Burns Haggerty

Michael Burns Haggerty is a novelist and short story writer who lives with his wife in downtown Buffalo, NY and in Wilson, NY located on the shores of Lake Ontario.

Armin Tolentino

Armin Tolentino received his MFA at Rutgers University in Newark, NJ. His poetry has appeared, or is forthcoming, in The Bear Deluxe, Blue Earth Review, and New Millennium Writings.

Larry O. Dean

Larry O. Dean was born and raised in Flint, Michigan. His numerous books include Activities of Daily Living (forthcoming, 2017), Brief Nudity (2013), Basic Cable Couplets (2012), abbrev (2011), About the Author (2011), and I Am Spam (2004).

Ace Boggess

Ace Boggess is the author of two books of poetry: The Prisoners (Brick Road Poetry Press, 2014) and The Beautiful Girl Whose Wish Was Not Fulfilled (Highwire Press, 2003).

Anton Chekhov

Anton Chekhov, as you should know, was a famous writer. So famous he has a Wikipedia page. He’d probably wouldn’t be happy that his story, “At Christmas Time” was invaded by zombies and in the public domain.

Marc S. Cohen

Marc S. Cohen is a writer, artist and musician born in the United States and residing in Toronto, Canada. He writes existentially tinged fiction about people grappling with indeterminacy in life, language, and love. His stylistic forebears include Samuel Beckett, Sheila Heti, David Foster Wallace, and Joel and Ethan Coen.

Bill Vernon

Bill Vernon served in the United States Marine Corps, studied English literature, then taught it. Writing is his therapy, along with exercising outdoors and doing international folkdances. His poems, stories and nonfiction have appeared in a variety of magazines and anthologies, including Rogue Worlds; From Beyond; Bridget’s Temple; Fantasy Today (Fantasy, Folklore, and Fairytales); Wanderings;… Read more »

Liza Case

Liza Case is the author of four full-length plays including The Unspoken Ones (Jane Chambers Student Playwriting Award; Stark Award for Drama) and Baby Strike!, (Honorable Mention, Jane Chambers Award). Her short film Destiny played on the Emmy-award-winning PBS show The Short List and on IFC. She founded and published the New York Independent Film… Read more »

Alan Coats

Alan Coats is a graduate student at the University of Georgia, studying forest hydrology. He likes dogs, gardening, and stories about human interaction with the natural world. His writing has also appeared in River and South Review.

David James

David James’ third book, My Torn Dance Card, was published in 2015; his second book, She Dances Like Mussolini, won the 2010 Next Generation Indie book award. James teaches at Oakland Community College. An interview with David James can be found at the following:

Cindy Marvin

Cindy Marvin lives in a rural area of TN where she writes and is raising her teenage son. Prior, she lived in Los Angeles and worked as an English as a Second Language teacher. She has several online publications and was recently a finalist in a Glimmer Train short story competition.

Charles Rafferty

Charles Rafferty’s tenth book of poetry is The Unleashable Dog (2014, Steel Toe Books). His poems have appeared in The New Yorker, Oprah Magazine, The Southern Review, and Prairie Schooner. His stories have appeared in Sonora Review, Pedestal, Cortland Review, and Staccato. His collection of short fiction is Saturday Night at Magellan’s (2013, Fomite Press)…. Read more »

Daniel W. Thompson

Daniel W. Thompson’s work has appeared recently or is forthcoming at publications like Bartleby Snopes, decomP, WhiskeyPaper, Wyvern Lit, Noble/Gas Qtrly and Cheap Pop. He lives in downtown Richmond, VA, with his wife and daughters, cleaning up diapers and dog fur.

Laryssa Wirstiuk

Laryssa Wirstiuk lives in Jersey City, NJ with her dachshund Charlotte. She teaches creative writing and writing for digital media at Rutgers University. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in Crab Fat, Gargoyle Magazine, Word Riot, and Up the Staircase Quarterly.

M.V. Montgomery

M. V. Montgomery is a professor of English and film at Life University in Atlanta. His most recent fiction collection is Speculations, which is now available through Winter Goose Publishing in Sacramento.

Daniel Grear

Daniel Grear is a fiction writer from Fayetteville, AR and a graduate of Hendrix College. His work has been published in the Aonian. He was the Managing Editor for Scintilla‘s eighth issue.

William Davis

William Virgil Davis’s most recent book is The Bones Poems (2014).

Robert Vivian

Robert Vivian has published four novels and two books of meditative essays. He’s currently working on a collection of dervish essays.

Bethany Rivers

Bethany Rivers has an M.A. in Creative Writing from Cardiff University. Previous poems published in Cinnamon Press anthologies, The Lampeter Review, English Chicago Review, and Bare Fiction.

Frederick Pollack

Author of two book-length narrative poems, The Adventure and Happiness, both published by Story Line Press. Has appeared in Hudson Review, Salmagundi, Poetry Salzburg Review, Die Gazette (Munich), The Fish Anthology (Ireland), Representations, Magma (UK), Bateau, Chiron Review, etc.

Dennis Thompson

Dennis Thompson teaches writing and film at Des Moines Area Community College. His work has appeared in Mississippi Review, Colere Literary Review, Out of Line: Writings on Peace and Social Justice, and Wabash Review. His fiction “Jesus in the Eighth Race,” was nominated for a 2007 Pushcart Prize.

Saliba Sarsar

Dr. Saliba Sarsar, born and raised in Jerusalem, is Professor of Political Science and Associate Vice President for Global Initiatives at Monmouth University. He is the author and editor of several works on the Middle East, as well as two books of poetry.

Gary Blankenburg

Septuagenarian Gary Blankenburg is a retired English teacher whose doctoral dissertation treated the “confessional” poets. While working on this project he often consulted with his mentor and friend W. D. Snodgrass. Blankenburg is the author of eight books of poetry and fiction and was a founding editor of The Maryland Poetry Review and Electric Press. His new manuscript, The Times Theatre, depicts the spiritual angst of an aging persona. Nowadays he reads Victorian novels and paints while gathering himself up for eternity and a meeting with The Great Perhaps.

Lee Slonimsky

Lee Slonimsky’s work has appeared in The Carolina Quarterly, Measure, The New York Times, Poetry Daily, and 32 Poems, and has received seven Pushcart Prize nominations.

Sid Gustafson

Novelist and veterinarian.
New York Times writer.
Equine behaviour educator for the University of Guelph.

Rod Merkley

Rod Merkley is an Iraq War veteran and former Army Medic. He is currently a clinical psychology intern and looks forward working as a psychologist with military service members and veterans after finishing graduate school.

Daniel A. Olivas

Daniel A. Olivas is the author of eight books including the novel, The Book of Want (University of Arizona Press). Widely anthologized, he has also written for The New York Times, Los Angeles Review of Books, Fairy Tale Review, Superstition Review, Codex, Exquisite Corpse, La Bloga, PANK (online), and Pilgrimage

M. Macpherson

MF Macpherson is the prose editor of Redactions: Poetry, Poetics, and Prose. Her work appears in The Coachella Review and Hypothetical Review as well as the anthology Love Rise Up, published by Benu Press. She enjoys crime procedurals, Candy Crush, and tumblr a little more than is probably healthy.

Margaret Divish

Margaret Divish completed an MFA in fiction writing at Queens University in 2009 and have been working on short stories and YA novels since.

Kelly L. Simmons

Kelly received her BA from University of Montana, and her MFA from Queens University in Charlotte, NC.

J. Howard Shannon

J. Howard Shannon is a writer and US Army Infantry Officer with over 25 years in the military.

Nora Alsahlawi

Nora Alsahlawi is a writer who lives in Massachusetts.